Thursday, August 09, 2007

Not Ready To Make Nice

If people were to ask me what have I learnt during my Army days, I would say i learnt to become more selfish.
Well i think its pretty true. Whenever I hear someone asking for help, my ears just shut off completely. It can't be help, especially when I am so shagged out and just found a nice and comfortable spot to sit and then just when I am about to doze off, somebody just had to shout for volunteers.
Sometimes when I just need a cold drink and there aren't enough for everyone out in the field, it will be an every man for himself thing. Unless its my section mates, I would not even bother sharing my drinks. Just can't be help.

Field camp this week was like a holiday camp. Revellie, breakfast, sleep the whole morning while waiting for our turn to do fire movement. Then lunch. then sleep again until its time for night operations. The only highlight of the whole field camp was the ambush ops. I got to move the whole section to do ambush at night. set up trip flare, claymore mines and wear night vision goggles and then wait for the enemy to appear. Sadly i did not manage to bring my section back to HQ because i was so disoriented at night. bah.

1 more field camp to go, which is at Tekong and 3 more weeks to the end of BSLC. Yay!

and yes, if you are watching that propaganda show about the army on channel 8, you can see my BMT company there. All of our sgts were involved in the filming and the part when the actor passed out from BMT is when our company took part in the filming too. That is the day when I had to give up my admin time for the filming.

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